31 de outubro de 2010

Some questions I had to ask myself

Há algum tempo atrás, conversando com um amigo (que é a cara do vocalista do Maroon 5, devo dizer), ele me indicou um site chamado Stumble Upon, e navegando nesse site, eu fui parar numa página que continha 50 questões que toda pessoa devia se perguntar, resolvi testar e eis aqui algumas das minhas respostas:

1) How do you really feel about what you are doing right now at this exact moment?

R: Writing is my passion and it's what I'm doing right now. So I'm feeling passionate.

2) Write a paragraph or two about your ideal weekend/time away from work. Include location, sights, smells, food, activities, and people.

R: This is the type of question I don't really have an answer. I do love be around my friends and any place with them is perfect. But I would really enjoy taking them to the beach where we could all be together in a bungalow, watch the sun coming up or just be lying on the sand looking at the sky at night, playing good music and laughing our ass off as we always do.

3) Do you feel blessed or lucky to wake up each day? How can you get to that point?

R: I feel both blessed and lucky. It's a blessing just wake up every single morning and know that you have the most amazing day ahead. Every day is different from another and I consider myself lucky enough for living each day as it was my last on this earth.

4) What are three things that you do everyday that make you totally happy?

R: My family is on top of the list. Although we've lost so much I live my life thinking about what would make them happy. My friends and future come in second and third place.

5) When do you want to retire?

R: When I fulfill all I have planned for my future. Funny is that I already have plans for my retirement, I want to live in Paris with or without my husband and watch the sunset while eating macaroons and drinking some coffee.

Bom galerinha, sei que tá em inglês, mas eu respondi assim e eu fiquei com preguiça de responder tudo de novo em português. Acho que muita gente pode me conhecer melhor através das minhas respostas.

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